Herzlich Willkommen auf A Warriors Journey,

dem einzigartigen Kampfsport- / Reiseprojekt

Ich entdecke und berichte auf meiner Reise um die Welt über vergessene und unbekannte Kampfkünste, Erfahrungen auf Reisen sowie über den Weg in ein erfülltes Leben. Viel Spaß auf der Website!

Reasons to have a martial arts competition

If you are training in combat sports like Boxing, Muay Thai, M.M.A. or Karate, then you will surely come to a certain point were you think about trying out your learned techniques in a competition.

As with almost […]

The different styles of Muay Thai

Muay Thai is known as the martial art of the 8 limbs. This means that you have 8 “weapons” to attack your opponent or defend his attacks.

As you get deeper into the Muay Thai, you […]

tales from the fakes -silent goodbye-

For about six weeks now I have not published an article or  a video on www.warriors-journey.com. Normally I post new content every week or at the least every second to keep the whole thing running.

In […]

My day at Muay Thai Sangha

I have just arrived back in Pai to practice Sports Muay Thai at the Sitjemam Gym for the next four weeks, but I would like to show you how my day looked like the last […]

Wai Kru Ceremony -the Muay Thai Festival-

Every year on March 17th, “Nak Muay” (Thaiboxer) from all over the world meet in Ayutthaya to celebrate the Wai Kru Ceremony.

Maybe you think now, stop … Wai Kru what is that? Where is Ayutthaya […]

DONATION CALL -Daughters Rising-

The Issue
One of the most profitable forms of modern slavery is human trafficking. In many regions of the world where poverty and low education are prevalent, there are no lack of victims, as well as accomplices and perpetrators […]

Krabi-Krabong -Thai Weapons-

As a martial artist, you will most probably know what Muay Thai (Thaiboxing) is . In a previous article, I also shown to you, what Muay Boran, the traditional weaponless martial arts of Thailand, is.

In addition […]

Fuck off travelling

As you may have noticed, there has not been an article about travel for awhile. Today you will get to know why I done with that.

I have recently settled down in one place and left the […]

Muay Thai vs. Muay Boran

If one thinks about fighting sports and Thailand, he has most probably directly to the Muay Thai in his mind. Since it is a competition-based sport, there are, as in every other sport, fixed rules to follow.

Muay […]

Muay Thai Tour Thailand -Alle Gyms-

Fast drei Monate bin ich nun durch Thailand gereist. Gestartet in Chiang Rai ganz im Norden, bis in den Süden nach Koh Lanta.

In diesen drei Monaten habe ich insgesamt 13 Muay Thai Gym’s und Schulen […]

The Warriors Path…

Auf der folgenden Karte kannst du meine Route im Detail verfolgen. Alle größeren Stationen sind enthalten. Zudem kannst du sehen, wie meine Route für die kommenden Wochen aussehen wird.

    The Warriors Goods…

    … alles was du für Reisen, Outdoor, Kampfsport brauchst, findest du hier. Ich selbst bin immer wieder Kunde, deshalb möchte ich dir die folgenden Anbieter empfehlen.