2017 – a look back-

First of all I have to apologize, that I have not written anything for a long time. The reason for this was, I have decided to write only if I really have the muse, the time and the inspiration to do it and no more pressure. Furthermore, I was busy with the Muay Thai Sangha Intensive Course and then my time in Thailand came to an end, I flew back to Germany, to see my family.

When […]

tales from the fakes -silent goodbye-

For about six weeks now I have not published an article or  a video on www.warriors-journey.com. Normally I post new content every week or at the least every second to keep the whole thing running.

In April, several factors came together that prevented me from producing more content and at the same time moved me to think about the whole project “A Warrior’s Journey”.

In the beginning of April, I changed the gym for a month. I […]

DONATION CALL -Daughters Rising-

The Issue
One of the most profitable forms of modern slavery is human trafficking. In many regions of the world where poverty and low education are prevalent, there are no lack of victims, as well as accomplices and perpetrators to keep this business running.

At the peak of slavery, in 1809, the inflation-adjusted amount for a slave was $40,000, now it is just $90. A human life is available at a discounted price.

Cheaply bought or sold, used, abused and easily […]