Alle Beiträge zum Thema Kampfsport/-Kunst

My day at Muay Thai Sangha

I have just arrived back in Pai to practice Sports Muay Thai at the Sitjemam Gym for the next four weeks, but I would like to show you how my day looked like the last two months at Muay Thai Sangha Fighting Arts, in Mae Taeng.

Maybe if you visit my blog from time to time, or follow me on Facebook, you will have the impression that I am a living the dream, with many adventures […]

Krabi-Krabong -Thai Weapons-

As a martial artist, you will most probably know what Muay Thai (Thaiboxing) is . In a previous article, I also shown to you, what Muay Boran, the traditional weaponless martial arts of Thailand, is.

In addition to the competition-based Muay Thai and the defense-oriented Muay Boran, there is still a third, weapon-based martial art which has it’s origin in the Kingdom of Siam (today’s Thailand). The Krabi-Krabong.
Krabi-Krabong, means short and long-range weapons, various weapons will be taught and […]

Muay Thai vs. Muay Boran

If one thinks about fighting sports and Thailand, he has most probably directly to the Muay Thai in his mind. Since it is a competition-based sport, there are, as in every other sport, fixed rules to follow.

Muay Thai is often classified as a traditional fighting style, which is also true on one side. However, the Thaiboxing, as we know it nowadays, exists only since the 1920’s. At that time rules were introduced step by step to equalize the […]