Fear of fighting

If you are training martial arts and participating in competitions, or if you are a beginner and you are a sparring wi9th more experienced partners, then you probably know that feeling…


You are not alone … I am sure every competitor and athlete has to deal with it and that it is important, if you want to develop your fighting skills further.

You may be wondering how to overcome the fear of a fighting. In this article, I will […]

Muay Thai vs. Muay Boran

If one thinks about fighting sports and Thailand, he has most probably directly to the Muay Thai in his mind. Since it is a competition-based sport, there are, as in every other sport, fixed rules to follow.

Muay Thai is often classified as a traditional fighting style, which is also true on one side. However, the Thaiboxing, as we know it nowadays, exists only since the 1920’s. At that time rules were introduced step by step to equalize the […]

Muay Thai und Muay Boran – 6 Techniken Tutorial –

Diese Woche gibt es mal einen etwas anderen Beitrag auf warriors-journey.com, mal etwas mehr praxisbezogen, anstatt die ganze Zeit nur langweiliges Geschwätz 😉

Bei Lanna Fighting in Chiang Rai und Phayao haben wir ein paar Techniken aus dem Muay Thai und Muay Boran aufgenommen, die ich euch nun als Tutorial zur Verfügung stellen möchte.

Da es sich bei Muay Thai, um eine Sportart mit gewissen Regeln handelt, habe ich die Techniken extra mit Muay Thai und Muay […]