I have just arrived back in Pai to practice Sports Muay Thai at the Sitjemam Gym for the next four weeks, but I would like to show you how my day looked like the last two months at Muay Thai Sangha Fighting Arts, in Mae Taeng.

Maybe if you visit my blog from time to time, or follow me on Facebook, you will have the impression that I am a living the dream, with many adventures and here and there some martial arts training, just to upload a few photos.

In this video or article, I would like to show you the naked truth, how my everyday life looks like, from Monday to Saturday.

06.30: The alarm clock rings, I wake up to run for 30 minutes.

07.15: Cold shower to shock the body and wake up properly.

07.30: prepare breakfast to take away. Usually fruits with oatmeal and yoghurt.

08.00: I teach yoga at the Muay Thai Sangha schoolHerabschauender Hund

08.30: Finally breakfast.

08.50: The school get’s cleaned. Disinfect mats, remove leaves, etc.

09.30: The training starts. The morning block focuses on the weapons. Long stick and double sword.

Krabong Kampf

12.30: The first training session for the day has finished.

12.45: Lunch. There is simple and delicious Thai cuisine for under 1 € and sometimes also an ice cream.

13.15: Short nap

13.40: I start the PC. My secret plans get further developed.

15.30: Back to school to tidy up a bit.

15.45: Warm up, for the second training session.

16.30: in the second block we train either Muay Thai or Muay Chaiya.Muay Thai Training

18.30: The training is almost over, but of course, some abs work has to be done.

19.00:  The training day is over, the working day starts again.

19.15: showers and then cook, eat, wash off.

20.00: I continue to work on the super-secret World Takeover Plans.

21.30: To relax, I still watch a series, if I do not fall asleep inbetween.

22:30: Lights off, sleeping time!Sonnenuntergang Ayutthaya

Maybe you’re wondering, where my time off at the beach or in the cafe is. When I enjoy a little time, because I live in “paradise”.

There is unfortunately no (or fortunately) beach here, I do not like coffee and I always enjoy my time, every day, even if I have not just five minutes to breathe. I enjoy it because, I am doing exactly what I want and what I my destiny is.Krabong Attacke

You see my day is completely filled, if one would summarize the whole, then I have probably an approx. 80 hours week, for which I also still pay. Sounds like crazy, it’s probably that, but I get pretty much the education I was looking for and that’s something you can not buy with time and or money.

For this reason it continues further. I have massive energy and there will be more. Forever, I can not go on like that, I know. But I am also quite certain that the path I have traveled on until where I am now leads me to a positive and bright future.

So follow me also on warriors-journey.com

If you have any further questions or suggestions, then you can leave me a comment below. I will answer you as soon as possible!

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